- Dataset Info
- Documents
- All Organisations
- Applicant-Patent Office country (Sankey)
- CPC classes
- CPC5 Classes (described)
- Clean H2 Boolean (for filtering)
- Clean H2 funded (list)
- Countries (Clean H2)
- Countries (cleaned)
- Dashboard Filter
- Detailed Patent Classification List
- Detailed Patent Classification2
- Docs with type and year
- Documents Citations
- Documents full list
- Documents with details
- EU countries (cleaned)
- EU countries (two fields)
- EU countries - table
- EU vs World
- EU vs World (cleaned)
- EU-only countries (cleaned)
- FCH funded
- Field Browser_1
- Field Browser_2
- Field Browser_20000
- FilteredAnalyzer_1
- Funded by Clean H2
- Funded by Clean H2 (bigger nodes, uncached)
- Funding agencies
- Gram Countries
- Gram_nVsList
- Heatmap
- Heatmap ECodes
- IsCleanH2fundedCitations
- IsFCHfundedCitations
- Journal Category Areas
- List Org Name country
- List countries
- List_projectid
- NamesNoNvs
- Organisations list
- Publications linked to projects
- Time series organisations - Graph
- Time series EU and RoW countries - Graph
- Time series FCH funded organisations - Graph
- Top 100 Organisations
- Two Fields_1
- Two Fields_2
- Two Fields_3
- Two Fields_4
- guid table with details
- listgram
- spaceanalyzer_collector